Tuesday, February 17, 2009

ppm is a developer's best friend!

OK, that is a crazy overstatement, but it is pretty useful bit to know about.

So what is it? It's a baby-simple image format. Let's say we wanted to write out a 320x240 image. The file would look something like:

320 240

So... if the first pixel was black (0x000000), we would write 0, 0, followed by zero. Whereas if it were (0xFFAADD) we'd cleverly write 0xFF, 0xAA, 0xDD.

Ya dig it? Here is a snippet from TextHash2Ppm.hx after I loaded the text file into an array of strings called (creatively enuff) "lines":

out.writeString( 'P6\n' );
out.writeString( lines[ 0 ].length + ' ' + lines.length + '\n' );
out.writeString( '255\n' );

for ( line in lines ) {
for ( i in 0 ... line.length ) {
var char = line.charAt( i ) ;
var value = if ( '#' == char ) 255; else 0;
out.writeByte( value );
out.writeByte( value );
out.writeByte( value );

Here is a bit I wrote recently to show files like sample_dungeon.txt to
sample_dungeon.ppm which I then converted to

Which I can then use as input to this heightmap viewer even though it looks wonky as heck.

PPM is a handy format for when you need to create images and you don't have or don't want to use an image library to create jpgs, pngs, etc...

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